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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  July 29, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. breaking news overnight. chaos on capitol hill. the house speaker's debt plan melts down after hours of arm twisting failed to subdue a tea party rebellion. all bets are off for what happens next. foiled ft. hood. a killing plan for two powerful bombs and a shooting spree at the army base. a u.s. serviceman now under arrest. new details on what he was learning from al qaeda. survivor story. the remarkable tale of one man's hair-raising ordeal crashing his plane swimming 15 miles in darkness and treading water for almost 18 hours witho life jacket. now he tells us what kept him hanging on to hope. and d terial girl. young, blond and incredibly rich and the owner of two of the world's most expensive mansions.
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meet the woman who's proud to be called the next paris hilton. happy friday, everyone. welcome to elizabeth vargas on this friday. ready to go back to the '80s. >> not a good time for me with the shoulder pads and the unibrow. >> debbie gibson and tiffany in central park. >> i hadn't yet learned the wonders of tweezing. let's move on, shall we? the music from the '80s was great so fun to have the two of them in central park. we'll have the latest on that mysterious disappearance of that 11-year-old girl from that tiny new hampshire town.
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apparently abducted or ran away from her bedroom at night. friends say she would never have run away but police are not sure yet. they have no clues. we'll talk to someone with very rare insight into this story. kidnap victim elizabeth smartrt who knows the importance of that. >> right to the chaos in washington. in just five days america can no longer borrow pore to pay our bills unless congress gets its act together and, boy, last night they sure couldn't get their act together. house speaker john boehner planned to pass his solution last night but all his tough talk couldn't get the votes. they pulled it shortly before midnight. jon karl is watching it all from capitol hill. the speaker says he'll try again today. >> reporter: he will, but, gege, this debt ceiling crisis has become a political crisis for republicans. boehner will convene all 240 house republicans this morning to make one final push for it. but the reason he pulled the bill last night is he just couldn't get enough republicans to pass his own bill.
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republican leaders worked late into the night trying to get the votes to pass their own debt ceiling bill. reporters swarmed around utah republican jason chafitz. he told us he's still not sure. >> i'm surprised they are not twisting and ripping arms off. >> reporter: the speaker said he can't do his job if you respect there to support him. >> i am fully supportive of the speaker. i just can't support his bill but i do support the speaker. >> reporter: but for speaker of the house john boehner, the political stakes could not be higher. >> his leadership of the republicans in the house and being speaker is clearly at stake here if he can't bring his people along. >> reporter: the late night negotiations and a decision to delay the vote came as a surprise. >> we have a reasonable, responsible approach. there is no reason for anyone to object to it.
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>> reporter: virtually everyone had thought it would pass. but one thing that was never in doubt, democrats are united against boehner's bill. >> i feel very confident that if they're going to have 217 vote, whatever it is, they'll have to be republican votes. >> reporter: speaker boehner spent hour after hour cajoling, pleading, begging those recal trant republicans about a dozen or so of them to support his bill. much of that meeting was spent over cold pizza, george, over in the capitol building. this morning republicans say they are cautiously optimistic that they will have the votes to pass this bill, but they were quite optimistic yesterday afternoon, as well >> that's right, jon, maybe warm pizza would have helped more. the rest of our team, bianna golodryga covering the markets and jake tapper at the white house and, bianna, let me begin with you, because every day this drags out, we've seen the markets react much more negatively. >> yes, pull up a chart of the dow over the last five days. we had the worst day for the dow
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in over a year, nearly 500 points lost. more and more people say deal or no deal, they think we'll lose the aaa rating and one trader said he was having flashbacks of the summer of 2008 where everything seemed to hinge on the last-minute meetings in washington. no one wants to go into a weekend long in the market when they don't know what will come out on the other end. dealing with the potential financial crisis. looks like we're dealing with the political crisis. both have effects on the economy. gdp report expected to show the >> let me bring in jake tapper for more. this is a good news/bad news situation for the white house. on the one hand the fact that speaker boehner is ghaving so much trouble getting votes could be encouraging. it makes the path forward so much more uncertain. >> reporter: i'm not getting much of a vibe with anyone i spoke with this morning that they're in any way happy at this. they're look at this with disbelief and expected boehner
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would be able to pass it. while it was a bill all but dead on arrival at the splat they were expecting it and one senior white house official describing it as mad hatter time. nothing to do with the economy but power plays, one other senior white house official saying that all the house republicans have done this week is waste time because, of course, this bill is probably not going to pass the senate anyway. >> well, that's right. harry reid showed he had a majority to defeat it already. let me bring it back to you, jon karl. all the negotiations over the next compromise are kind of in suspended animation until speaker boehner acts on this bill today but i think one of the big problems you face is that once he does send -- get this through, if he does get it through, it's going to be very hard to get any of his republicans to vote for the real compromise in a day or two or three. >> reporter: well, that's exactly right. both of your points right. first of all there are no negotiations going on in that compromise right now because all the focus is getting this passed in the house.
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speaker boehner isn't exactly taking calls from democrats but trying to get his own republicans in line. once he does this, this is going to be very difficult for him to get -- to go any further by way of compromise. if there is a compromise it's going to take a lot of democrats to pass it in the house. >> a lot of democrat, that's exactly right. key market openings sunday night, the next big deadline to watch for, as well. >> that's right. >> the asian market. >> elizabeth, this is just so uncertain going into the final weekend. >> well, and certainly the public is starting to lose patience. we've got all sorts of newspaper, congress as kindergarten, the grown-ups must take over. this big headline, "grow up." people are baffled even the republicans can't coalesce. >> you're right. people are angry. we've talked about this all week long. the switchboards on capitol hill getting overwhelmed but the truth is right now they are not close to an agreement and there's more and more talk of maybe sunday night, if they're not close to an agreementing it
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for a short-term extension to carry through another week so they can negotiate. >> we heard about the great pizza seduction very late. how tough isoehner being in these behind-the-scenes meetings. >> his speakership is on the line. that's why he has to pass it today. >> very interesting. we'll all be watching. to that planned terror plot stopped in its tracks at f f hood, texas. a 21-year-old soldier is in custody, his alleged plan to attack troops there were foiled by a former marine who worked in a gun shop. abc's ryan owens is at that shop in killeen, texas, and joins us with the latest. good morning to you, ryan. >> reporter: good morning, elizabeth. this is the same gun store where the last soldier accused of trying to attack ft. hood bought his weapon. this time though the clerk was suspicious and called police. a call they say stopped a diabolical plot that was about to unfold. greg ebert works part time at this gun shop. it's ex-marine, this retired cop happened to be here tuesday.
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>> i asked myself, you know, what is the potential for a problem? and if i'm uncomfortable i'm unbashful. >> reporter: the young soldier who made him uncomfortable is 21-year-old private naser abdo a muslim battling the army almost since he joined it. >> i refuse to go to afghanistan because it was against my islamic conditions. >> reporter: he wanted out but military investigators say they found child pornography on his government computer so on the fourth of july, abdo went awol from ft. campbell, kentucky and they believe he came to ft. hood to stage an attack similar to major nidal hasan's in 2009 that killed 13 and wounded 30. abc news learned he told investigators he wanted to get even with the military. that he planned not to attack the post but a nearby restaurant popular with soldiers. he told investigators he planned to detonate two bombs there, then shoot any survivors.
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>> it seemed like he was, up to nothing. >> reporter: his plan unraveled shortly after he got out of mark smith's cab at that gun shop. greg ebert sold him the ammunition and gunpowder but got suspicious when he paid $250 in cash. >> we made a decision to call the police and fortunately it worked out well. >> reporter: officers tracked young soldier to this nearby hotel. in his room, all of that ammo, a pistol, the components to make two bombs and a backpack which jihadi literature including an article from the al qaeda online magazine "inspire." its title, "how to make a bomb in your kitchen ." at this point investigators believe he was acting alone but may well have been inspired by al qaeda or others. exactly the sort of lone wolf they have been so worried about. elizabeth? >> all right, ryan, thanks so much. george, he can coast of that
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attack in 2009 by major hasan, also a lone wolf. you can do incredible damage. >> now to the cult leader on trial for sexual assaults on two underage girls. warren jeffs made a surprise move in court that even the judge advised him against doing. abc's andrea canning has been tracking the latest twists in this case. >> reporter: polygamist and self-proclaimed prophet warren jeffs quietly walked into this texas courthouse thursday and in a bold move told the judge he was firing all seven of his defense attorneys and that he'd represent himself. the leader of the breakaway mormon sect flds gave no opening trial statement and later proceeded to ramble for 30 minutes in sermon-like tones. >> in almost all cases where someone decides to represent him or herself it doesn't end well. >> reporter: he told the judge "i have trained my defense but they were unable to do what i said. i am presenting the need for
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true justice to be presented and for the truth to come out." she granted his request to act as his own lawyer but had a stern warning saying it's not as easy as it looks on tv, mr mr. jeffs. you're on your own. but not quite. the judge wouldn't allow his attorneys to withdraw completely ordering them to remain available daily as standby counsel stepping in only if jeffs asks for advice. >> the stakes are very high for mr. jeffs. part of the frustration that he expressed in court today was that the lawyers don't know as much about the history of the flds and the importance of the religious defense as he does. >> reporter: jeffs has continually delayed the start of the trial switching lawyers at least seven times in recent months leaving many wondering if he's purposefully prolonging the case, one that could send him to life in prison if found guilty. andrea canning, abc news. >> different kind of lone wolf there. on his own today. here's josh elliott with the
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morning's news headlines. >> hello to you, elizabeth. welcome back to italy. terrific stuff there. >> i brought you back some chocolate from perugia. >> oh, good. let me get through the news. new rules of the road. president obama is unveiling new fuel economy standards, the biggest increase ever by the year 2025. cars will be required to get 54.5 miles per gallon. double what they get today. though suvs and trucks will be subjected to less stringent annual improvements and for the first time ever executives at the major automakers are endorsing the new proposed standards. meanwhile, some breaking news overseas. a new report has been released on what caused the 2009 air france crash over the atlantic which killed 228 people. french developers blamed pilot errors and unreliable equipment. the airbus flying from rio to paris went that a high altitude stall. investigators are now recommending additional training for pilots to help them fly planes manually.
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and this morning, air traffic controllers in russia are partly to blame for last year's plane crash that killed poland's president and government officials. this could badly strain relations between the two nations as russia b bmed the crash solely on the polish pilots. the wolf population is about to surpass 7 billion. according to a new projection by the u.n., the world's 7 billion person will be born in india and by 2050 earth's population will explode to more than 9 billion thanks to medical advances in developing countries. millions of americans who take extra strength tylenol are being told to cut back on their daily dosages. johnson & johnson will direct use attorneys take a maximum of only six pills a day instead of eight. a surprise announcement from tiger woods, returning to competitive golf next week at
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the bridgestone invitational. he had been sidelined since reinjuring his knee and achil s achilles'. the news we have been waiting for, at least i have. happy feet is heading home. you remember him. >> yay! >> the world's favorite emperor penguin, certainly, took that wrong turn and ended up in new zealand where it's considerably warmer. he was eating all the sand because he thought it was snow. they operated on him. after five weeks of tlc at a zoo in new zealands the big fatty has a clean bill of health. a few rocks left in him. he's picked up nine pounds and, yeah, he will be repatriated to antarctica. >> we have your next assignment. you got to put the wet suit on and accompany him home. >> done, i'm in. i'm in. i'll indite. send me to antarctica.
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>> hey, sam. >> what a little tlc will do. the hope that tropical storm don would bust a drought that is a dangerous situation in this part of the country but don disappoints. let's show you what's going on. in the circle of suspicion, the center of the storm is north. all the clouds to the south and that's the big problem. remember that heat dome we were talking about, well, don doesn't break through because it actually the bottom line of it is right there. that area of high pressure up here, so don is being forced to the south of it and all that rain will be in deep south texas and even in the mountains of mexico, here's where we think the heaviest rain will be. making landfall around midnight on friday. heavy rain that we had hoped would move into the center of texas then in oklahoma will stay well down to the south. you've got to be south of corpus. that's optimistic. elsewhere, forget the rain in new york city this morning. drying out now. there will be more thunderstorms this afternoon, though, and the west coast seems to be nice and
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pleasant. 81 degrees at reagan the heatairport but index makes it feel like 88 degrees. the heat and humidity is coming back and we will feel that later on this afternoon. advisory goes into effect at 11:00 this morning tonight fortil 9:00 areas shaded in our image.
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-- shaded in orange. it will feel like 110 degrees >> 17 states have heat warnings or advisories. >> sam, thanks so much. a major consumer alert. for about how you get your cash. we learned this week that a popular scam called atm skim something more likely to happen on weekends. and it can empty out your bank account. abc's elisabeth leamy joins us from washington with more on how this works and how you can prevent it from happening to you. this is scary. >> it is scary. we learned that just as the rest of us are getting off of work for the weekend, an atm skimmer crook's work is just getting started. they like weekends because there are fewer people around to catch them. first employees at this chase bank in san diego notice they got lots of fraudulent atm withdrawals on weekends. then they say they noticed the same guy on their surveillance
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camera every saturday. now here he is in court. >> guilty. >> the san diego district attorney says daniel stole about 1,000 atm numbers and well over $100,000 by installing a skimming device on the door to the atm lobby. a new location to be weary of. >> he did it so fast that he installed the card reader on the door within 30 seconds. >> outside seattle a similar arrest. bank surveillance cameras capture the same woman repeatedly on weekends. both suspects are accused of using tiny cameras to record people's pins. you can see how effective it is by looking at this footage from an identity thief's confiscated camera. the victim's p.i.n., 1426. >> i'm not saying being paranoid and watch every day, but i check my accounts on a weekly basis. >> reporter: it's a crime that's too easy for the crooks. criminals recently installed skimmers on 90 different p.i.n.
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pads and i myself was able to buy a skimmer device with 500 bucks and a couple of clicks on the internet. this is what we've been waiting for. that's why atm skimming brings in a billion dollars a year for the bad guys. strategies to protect yourself. it does help to cover the number pad while you enter your p.i.n. and if the atm doesn't look reich, give a tug. you may find that the skimmer will come off right in your hands and, of course, you might want to avoid taking out cash on weekends. elizabeth, george? >> i hope you don't get busted for vandalism, though. all right, elisabeth, thanks so much. the latest on the frantic search for the missing 11-year-old girl in new hampshire. we'll talk to elizabeth smart about the case. the incredible ordeal of michael trapp. he tells us how he survived crashing his airplane, swimming for miles at night and then treading water for nearly 18 hours. and get ready to bring back the '80s.
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our summer concert series heats up. >> do we have to. >> of course, we have to. debbie gibson and tiffany live in central park coming up. ♪ i think we're alone now ♪ [ male announcer ] it has an hd webcam, killer audio, and lids that switch to start every semester fresh. but mostly it helps me try new moves on and off the court. ♪ [ male announcer ] powered by the 2nd gen intel core processor family. not just smart. visibly smart.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning to you. the time is 7:26 on this july 29. it has been a rough morning for in northern 95 virginia.
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police say maz-mat crew had been up fuel that's spelled two -- went two tractor trailers collided on the highwaynd side of the near route 1. minimal progress with delays begin in lorton to head occoquan. the clean up remains and the route 1 inclose to woodbridge. southbound travel has been complicated. the395, the shark -- a brokenet bridge as down vehicle that was cleared. in maryland, 270 has been a ride but our live from 95 at university boulevard 2 georgia ave. 81 degrees already at reagan airport and the heat index makes it feel like 88 degrees. the latest heat advisory will morning and00 this
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includes the district and and extendscounties until 9:00 tonight and we could see heat index readings as high as 105-110 degrees. satellite and radar shows a week frontal system to the north give is a slight showers and few thunderstorms overnight into tomorrow but only about 820%-30% chance. be 97-102y will willes and a heat index feel warmer with partly skies and temperatures tonight will have a hard time falling below 80 degrees. ♪ [ male announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish,
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♪ only in my dreams >> ah, nice lively crowd out in central park this morning. excited for our '80s team friday, tgif, debbie gibson and tiffany both performing in central park. a whole new fan base. >> punished by the director. >> the director got the shot for us. >> we'll make everybody out there dressed number shoulder pads and leg warmers and sweatbands in honor of the 1980s. can't wait. >> cannot wait. >> good morning, america. i'm elizabeth vargas. robin is off this morning. >> so shall we start with your
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picture? >> oh, no. do we have to? is this from the '80s? >> oh. >> very perky. look at those shoulders. >> shoulder pads. >> yeah, those are -- >> i was ready -- >> moonlighting. >> oh, no. >> george? >> very '80s pushing up the jacket. >> the unstructured jacket that you have up. >> blindingly white tennis shoes. what were you doing there? >> i still have those. >> where is your preschool photo? >> just amazing watching you two. i wore my glasses for my third grade picture. so just imagine. >> we'll dredge that up in a few minute. >> we will definitely find it. serious stories. incredible survivor story. michael trapp is the pilot that crashed into lake huron, ended up surviving by treading water for 17, almost 18 hours. >> that's incredible. >> what a will to live. he talks to josh in just a little bit.
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>> can't wait to hear but first the latest on that search for that 11-year-old girl celina cass in new hampshire. there is still no sign of her. she vanished from her bedroom three days ago. abc's ron claiborne is there and has been talking with people in the small community including some of celina's very close friends. ron, good morning to you. >> reporter: and good morning to you, elizabeth. well, the search for celina has intensified. there are now dozens of fbi agents and state troopers combing this rugged terrain running down more than 100 tips but there's been little clues, little evidence of where she is and people in this area, especially her many friends, are growing increasingly anxious. searchers were out in larger numbers, 100 more than double the number the day before and with renewed determination. >> some positive outcome could still result. >> reporter: investigators are now questioning everyone in this tiny community of stewartstown, new hampshire. >> every house, every individual
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in the neighborhood is being spoken to. >> reporter: but so far even this extraordinary effort has turned up nothing. >> i can tell you what we actually have not learned and that is where is celina cass now. >> thank you. >> reporter: on the street near celina's family home these young women flag down passing cars urging each person inside to keep an eye out for their missing friend. what would you say is the mood, the sense of how people are feeling today? >> shocked probably. >> very overwhelmed. >> i have three kids so it hits really close to me. >> reporter: everyone is painfully aware that with each passing hour the likelihood of celina's safe return fades. >> it's a big world and she's a small girl. she's only 11. >> reporter: abc news obtained court documents showing in 2003 a nudge ordered wendell noyes to a state mental hospital after
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accused of threatening a girlfriend. he and other family members said they want absolute privacy. and investigators say they are still considering this a missing persons case as opposed to a suspicious case because there's no evidence to call it. in fact, very little evidence of anything 72 hours after celina was first reported missing, no trace of her and frustratingly few clues, elizabeth? >> all right, ron, thank you so much. we're joined now by our special contributor, elizabeth smart. we've covered so many of these cases where people have been critical of the parents because of the way they acted. parents who often turn out to be innocent. still, you cannot underestimate the importance of getting on television and talking to the public. do you think these parents should be speaking out? >> right now it's such an important time. the early hours of any abduction can so important and i certainly can understand their shyness and
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not -- and wanting to preserve their privacy but enough cannot be done when it comes to bringing your child home. clearly we need to get out there so i would encourage the parents no matter how uncomfortable it might be, it might be the media brought them home. my parents kept my story alive even after the first few days that i was missing, they kept it alive for months because someone saw the tv, someone saw my image, someone remembered me and then when they saw me later they were able to make a call and say i think we found her. >> the families in these cases are always questioned first, sometimes most intensely because in the vast majority of cases when a child goes missing or dies it's at the hands of his or her parent. how difficult is it to subject yourself to this intense questioning and scrutiny when it's your own child who also
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disappeared. >> i don't think any person can fully realize that a pain a family goes through unless they have experienced the same thing, having a child taken from them. and so i think everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt and think of bringing their daughter home and if that's going to cross them off the suspect list or make them not an option, then i think they just have to think about her and what's best and bringing her home. >> we know that celina was on her computer when she was last seen on monday night. you through your own advocacy work have found out interesting behaviors to kids who are bullied online. we know cyberbully something a huge problem this had country. kids have committed suicide after being cyberbullied. sometimes kids will flee after being bullied online. >> yes, well, i have a dear friend actually that i worked with in the past who was kidnapped through the internet. she made a friend whom she thought was her friend and in the end she was lured out and
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when she went to turn back, she was grabbed and she was kidnapped. fortunately for her she was returned home safely and she is an incredibly young woman today but so often that is not the case. internet crimes against children today are huge. they're so prevalent in our community. it's so important for parents to be aware of what their children are looking at, to be on top of what sites their children are going to. if their child has a facebook account, it would be a very good thing if parents monitored their children's facebook account. >> and celina's was an open facebook account. finally, elizabeth, as we know, the first 24, 48 hours are crucial. we're now up to 72 hours. what would you say to the friends and family of celina who are starting to give up hope because, of course, your case is the most infamous case of a child being found far after the window of hope and opportunity was thought to have expired. >> i would tell them not to give up. as a victim from the other
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perspective, from the victim's perspective, i remember hoping and praying that people would not give up and i remember hearing someone calling my name just -- it was a couple days after i was kidnapped and that meant so much to me knowing that people were out looking for me. knowing that people cared about me. it is so -- it ka make all the difference. that gave me hope and so whether she hears people, sees people or she doesn't hear or see anything, just not to give up, not to give up. >> elizabeth smart, thank you so much for your insight this morning. it's great to have you here. >> thank you. it's time now to go out to central park and drizzly, damp central park to check in on the weather with sam champion. good morning, sam. >> good morning, elizabeth. doing a sound check. it's not so drizzly now. it's just a little cloudy, right? i swear you wouldn't have to stop for us.
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♪ the sun will come out tomorrow ♪ >> it's coming out in a second. one or two things going on as you head out your doors. hopefully you'll join us. if you're in the heat these are the zones, still all the hot spots showing temperatures but moves back into raleigh, d.c., philly, as well back into the heat. quick look at where the storms will go. new england, the rain has shut down now. more storms this afternoon. i am steve rudin and it is currently at reagan national airport. we will call for a heat advisory at 11:00 extending >> and we are live in central park. all that weather was brought to you by the samsung galaxy tablet. elizabeth? >> all right, sam, thanks so much. coming up next, we'll talk to the pilot behind that incredible story.
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treading water for 17 hours. we'll be right back. it follows you wherever you go.
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the pilot who crashed his small plane into one of the great lakes earlier this week then spent nearly 18 hours treading water has today come forward to tell his remarkable survival story. michael trapp was flying from new york to wisconsin when he crashed his plane into lake huron. he used his credit card pointing it towards the sun in the hopes the reflection would get the attention of a passing boater and when that didn't work, 17 hours later, waving his sock, he was finally rescued and i had a chance to speak to him just a few minutes ago. how are you feeling today? >> getting better. i was able to stand up this morning and i got a shower with the help of a couple of nurses and i had a walker last night. was able to walk down the hall a couple of types and just start stretching things out again.
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>> what happened as the plane was losing altitude and you realized that you were going to have to ditch into the lake. >> well, i was doing all my necessary checks to try to make the engine come back to power then i went into basically crash mode and made the plane -- i prepared the plane for crash landing so i could get out. >> how bad a landing was it? >> well, my plane stopped flying at 48 miles an hour so i hit the water about 50 miles an hour. i hit tail first and then immediately the front of the plane hit the water, the windshield blew in, the water blew in my face and the plane went upside down. >> you think you swimmed 15 miles and looking up at the night sky, you realized what's important in life. what were you thinking as you passed that night alone. >> i wanted it to end. a lot goes through your mind. you think about family and friends and all the things are important thaw dent normally think about. thank god the guys came by when
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they did. >> your wife, what was it like to speak to her again. >> i cried when i heard her voice. >> what did she say? >> i love you. >> it must -- >> and glad i was okay. >> it must have been a remarkable time. >> remarkable, most remarkable when i got on that boat and got out of the water. >> will you fly again? that's probably the scariest thing i've ever been through in my life. my wife doesn't like flying anien way so this would make her happy if i didn't fly anymore. i don't know. flying is an elite club and gives you a chance that only 1% of the people get to see. >> michael trapp, thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up, is she the next paris hilton? meet the heiress that has everything. we'll tell you how she's making a monstrous splash in hollywood. has so much potential! any resolutions?
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my resolution is the same as always; keep her full and focused with my fiber. [ all ] 3...2...1... happy school year! [ female announcer ] this school year, make a resolution to give your kid kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain. that helps keepephem full so they can focus on the day ahead. keeps 'em full... keeps 'em focused. if you sleep in your contact lenses. lucky for you, air optix brand has a aens approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear. [ male announcer ] that's why they're recommended most for people who sleep in their lenses. visit for a free one-month trial offer.
7:48 am
[ male announcer ] get ready for the left lane. the volkswagen autobahn for all event is back. right now, get a great deal on new volkswagen models, including the cc. and every volkswagen includes scheduled carefree maintenance. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the volkswagen cc sport for just $289 a month. ♪ visit today. ♪ the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. hey parents, it's going to be a see, i'm not just teaching woodwinds and strings. i'm teaching attitude! if your kids want to sound cool, they have to look cool!
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so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim. school takes a lot. target has it all. ♪ oh, love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just hold me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just kiss me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just want me ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ love, love, love, love ♪ ♪ ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ love, love, love, love
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the '80s. you've got your tom selleck mustache. >> my madonna gloves. >> here we are from "dynasty." >> george is on the pacman machine. >> no, galaga. >> we've been having so much fun flashing back to that day. >> i was singing -- ♪ call me >> exactly. we'll hear from tiffany and debbie gibson. we've got a whole lot more coming up, everybody. don't go away. it does something to your heart. i think what people like most about the grilled food is the taste. the flavor comes from that oak wood. the shrimp, the fresh fish, the steaks. it locks in the flavor, it seals in the juices so that when you put the fork in it, it just goes through it like butter. it's beautiful. [ laughs ] i'm proud to be a grill master.
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i love food. my name is charles himple. i'm a red lobster grill master, and i sea food differently. let's do this. you're a little early! [ female announcer ] prepare to ace your dental check-up. fight plaque and gingivitis and invigorate your way to better check-ups. new crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. you've been there. you pick out a makeup thinking it's your shade... until you actually try it out. now, i have a makeup that always gets it right. smart shade makeup instantly adjusts to match perfectly to your skin. almay smart shade makeup. only from almay. only for me.
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my resolution is the same as always; keep her full and focused with my fiber. [ all ] 3...2...1... happy school year! [ female announcer ] this school year, make a resolution to give your kid kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain. that helps keepephem full so they can focus on the day ahead. keeps 'em full... keeps 'em focused.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. your time is 7:56 on this friday, july 29. i am pamela brown. on the road with lisa baden. virginia was the focus for hours with the crash gone.s now of the accidents out on i-95 about 3:00 third with a couple of tractor-trailers' involved. that was southbound i-95 and rte. one of woodbridge. haz-mat crews have left the
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scene. northbound 95 in maryland near bwi has a new car crash reported. the outer loop from 95 to get to has slowednue street across the 14th .idge possible wreck on the outer loop between wilson bridge and 210. nice morning in annapolis with hazy sunshine. the district is at 80 degrees like 85 degrees. alexandria is 80 degrees and we at 81 degrees. a heat advisory set to into effect at 11:00 this morning and extends until 11 -- morning -- this evening. it will feel like 110 degrees and slightly cooler tomorrow chance for an isolated showers. the redskins' training camp
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full gear today and take the field today. not open to the public go to redskin can the first openor practice. we will be back with another update at 8:27.
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♪ doesn't seem to be anyone around ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now it doesn't seem to be anyone around ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> and it is the anthem of our nostalgia tour back to the '8 os "i think we're alone now." we have tiffany, we have dfb. we have a great crowd in central and we have sam rocking th the '80s. >> elizabeth rocking the gloves.
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>> i nover wore this in the '8 os. my first time, i'm psyched. >> it brings back such nostalgia. so thank you. >> we'll spend a lot of this hour reliving parts of the 1980s but a few other stories we'll talk b for example, one of the richest young women in the world, only 22, worth a billion dollars, bought one of the hugest mansions in the united states, the spelling mansion built in the '80s, huge mansion she just bought. why does a woman like this need all that space and what is it like to be that rich? nick watt is going to find out in a way only nick watt can. >> also ahead, hollywood sweethearts nick lachey and melissa, we congratulate. top secret. how did they pull off their dream wedding? we got inside scoop and share it with you coming up. >> great. all coming up but first news from josh elliott. hurry up and get back down here.
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>> i will so i can relive my first grade year. >> ah. >> the drama unfolding in washington, of course, and the mounting pressure now on house last night he had to postpone a vote on his plan to raise the nation's debt limit because he didn't have enough votes to pass it. jon karl joins us with the very latest as the hour grows near, so, jon, what is next. >> reporter: speaker boehner will convene all house republicans for one meeting, oe final push to get them to support his bill. as you say, they just didn't have the votes last night. that's why they pulled it. i'm hearing from republicans this morning confident that they will get the votes but, josh, they were very confident yesterday they had the votes and didn't have them. >> john, even if the house passes the bill weir's not even close to being out of the woods here. >> reporter: oh, nowhere close and, of course, august 2nd is coming up but the senate has made it clear, democrats here that the bill is dead on arrival
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and there are no discussions right now that i can detect among top leaders about what to do after that point. we are at deadlock. >> all eyes and many angry voters turning their attention now to the capitol. the deadline again tuesday. jon karl, the latest from washington. the standoff comes as we get more discouraging news from the economy. figures out show that the economy is growing at its slowest pace since the recession began fueling talk of a double-dip recession. tropical storm don barreling towards texas with its heavy winds and drenching rains but many in texas are actuallyy eagr for it to make landfall because they're in the midst of a record drought. abc's matt gutman is in corpus christi with the very latest. good morning to you, matt. >> reporter: hey, josh, well it's eagerly awaited but they're probably not going to get as much as they expect. parts of south texas will get an inch of rain. they need 15 inches just to catch up.
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yesterday we saw soil so cracked -- cracks were 30 inches deep. now this storm could bring about 60-mile-per-hour winds. we've seen people pull their boat os out of the water. also oil platform, 11 of them closed in the gulf of mexico, a fraction of the oil production. now it would seem unusual for people to pray to get hit by a tropical storm but that's exactly what's been happening here. now, tropical storm don probably won't be a drought buster but it is a good start, josh? >> all right, abc's matt gutman with the latest as don barrels towards texas. a u.s. army soldier missing is in a texas jail cell. the army says private first class naser abdo admits to planning a terror spree at ft. hood after being arrested with weapons and a bomb in his backpack. police also say they found an al qaeda guide to bombmaking in his hotel room. sources say the 21-year-old planned to become a restaurant freaked by ft. hood soldiers. in new york, red light
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cameras caught this violent crash on tape. a vaniqa reasoning straight into a public bus sending the bus crashing through the wall of a mcdonald's. now, police say the driver was drunk when he ran through that red light. they say it is a miracle as you can see no one was seriously hurt. medical news, evidence of an alarming increase in strokes among pregnant women and new mothers. a new study found a 54% jump in hospitalizations for prprnancy-related strokes in the last decade. researchers blame higher obesity rate, heart disease a a high blood pressure. now here's our diane sawyer with a preview of tonight's "world news." diane? we'll be right back with diane in moments. finally one woman realizing her lifelong dream, a california grandmother has just been named the newest cheerleader in pro football. after trying out year after
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year, susie sanchez, age 37, finally got the nod from the oakland raiders. despite her accomplishment she's five years younger than the eldest cheerleader who is 42. a couple of remarkable stories and a couple of ladies whoho ma remember the '80s as do all of my colleagues back there in times square getting ready for a return to a decade we all loved, guys. >> thank you. >> he was right. >> over to lara with the pop news heat index. >> let's get right to it. it is balmy out and so is our pop news heat index. first up, driving while under the influence of nascar can prove to be pretty dangerous. that is according to a new study in west virginia which has more nascar fans than any other state. on case following a televised
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nascar event the numbering of aggressive accidents increases by 123%. slow down, people. all right, now, if you are ever feeling like you need a good cry and, frankly who doesn't you might want to rent the movie "the champ." a study now shows it has the saddest scene in movie history. now, why do scientists want to know this? well, actually they actually use this film for psychological studies on depression. and sliming isn't just for the kids choice anymore. ladies want to be slimed and they want to be slimed by snails. it sounds kind of creepy but it's true. it has been used in europe as a super moisturizer for years and now several products containing the gooey little guy's extract will be coming to the u.s. so are we ready for this? i'm not sure i can escargot there. >> ah. >> thank you, i'll be here all
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morning and finally look for another kardashian to co-star with an l.a. laker, first, it was khloe and her powerhouse husband lamar odom. now hearing that rob kardashian and ron artest may go head to head as competitors on the powerhouse show "dancing with the stars." our sources say both are close to signing. we cannot get enough on the kardashians. that's all from our pop heat index. >> we have some big fans. >> the snail claim, right? >> i don't know. i'll take my wrinkles, right? >> i'll take my wrinkles. >> not that you have any. you look fabulous. >> i'd go further than that. i'll take dry, cracked, itchy skim over snail cream. >> escargot. >> yeah, whatever, thanks. >> the headbands really for the '80s in case you tuned in, but elizabeth has the lace glove
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on. let's get back to the '8 os weather. here's what we've got going on for you this morning. we're dealing with how much rain texas will get out of don. don disappoints here, my headline. as it cannot bust through that kind of heat zone in the middle of the country and get deep into texas, it will skirt the edge of it. all will be there. houston may not even really get much more than a shower out of this anything north of the storm is just not going to benefit from it. here's where we're back into the heat. raleigh, richmond, d.c., can you feel the humidity in new york city? yeah. absolutely. and the storms will pop up in this later on today again. it is beautiful, though, in the northwest coast as it has been cooler than normal all summer long. 83 degrees already at reagan airport and 78 at the dulles. the heat and text is topping the
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90 degree mark. have a heat advisory at 11:00 that extends until 9:00 tonight. we could see heat index readings around 105-110 degrees with actual air temperatures that push 100 degrees. the dew point level is well into the 70's. >> the good thing about an '8 os headband it actually works in the humidity, lara. working with the sweat. >> i decided to go with my whitesnake look in honor much the '8 os. here's what's coming up. she is blond, beautiful, oh, yeah and a billionaire. coming up, that is petra ecclestone, the paris hilton of britain who is make a splash on these shores. she will take us on a tour of her new magnificent home. i believe you know the name, you'll see. we go inside the top secret wedding of nick lachey and vanessa mamilo and they will
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share it with us. we get our '80s on with two pop queens who owned decade, debbie gibson and tiffany, all that coming up and more on "gma." so we made ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail with a splash of lime. it's so refreshing, your taste buds will thank you. mm... oh, you're welcome. what? my taste buds -- they're thanking me. uh-huh.
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taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air.
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that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say.
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music(lyrics):n♪ whatever i have i'd love to give it to you. i can surely make do with less than two. and that's how sharing works. cause sharing means caring. and caring means sharing. and sharing means caring.♪ ♪ and that's how sharing works.♪ vo: bk minis are easy to share, ♪and that's'sow sharing works. vo: but that doesn't mean they're easy to share. ♪and that's how sharing works. get yours at burger king, before someone else does. ♪ i think we're alone now it doesn't seem to be anyone around now ♪ >> next story, she is young, she
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is blond. she is beautiful. she is incredibly rich. that may sound like paris hilton but most americans don't even know who this woman is. she's setting up to make a splash in hollywood. her first move to buy one of the town's most expensive and opulent homes. nick watt met the new "it" girl. lucky man. >> reporter: i promise i won't make a habit of this but when i sat down with petra, i said i am prepared to really, really dislike you. she smiled. she didn't walk out because she's got far bigger things to think go including her new pad. the largest family home in los angeles, a californian icon, six manicured acres and a vast house built by aaron spelling. tv's king midas. a bowling alley, a present wrapping room for sale as the most expensive house in america. and bought for cash.
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i just sat down to chat with the new owner. when you buy a house like that, people want to know, who are you? >> yes, yes, i'm petra ecclestone. >> reporter: that still might mean nothing to you so here's the fact file. father, bernie ecclestone, formula one racer. mother, engaged in a guy named gauge and one-time model and handbag designer and petra ecclestone already owns one of britain's most expensive homes. if i could do a robin leach impersonation, i'd be doing it right now. candy land as it's known will be her second home. people are going to look at that one of two ways. >> yeah. >> reporter: mainly with envy. >> yes. >> reporter: scorn, disdain. why did you do this? >> firstly it was a great investment and i got a really
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good deal and it's kind of like prime real estate. >> reporter: a good deal? the home of tori spelling's birthday where they manufactured snow for sledding it was lingering on the market at $100 million. ecclestone reportedly paid $85 million. >> i'm planning to move to l.a. i wanted to have an amazing home where i hope in the future i'll be raising a family. my family from london will be coming to visit so i need loads of space and i mean it really was like a great investment. >> reporter: when you bought that home, did it cross your mind, you know what, you know, we could have built affordable housing for a thousand families. >> i help as much as i can but at the end of the day the house cost, that's not going to kind of -- i don't know -- like change the world i don't think and i do help as much as i can. i'm not going to like not live in a certain way just because there are people less fortunate
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than i am. >> reporter: okay. so how does she live? >> i'm a hard working girl. i kind of go to the office. i work a normal 9:00 to 5:00 job most days, so, yeah. >> reporter: really? >> yeah, my mom came from such humble beginnings and especially my dad as well. he didn't go to university. he kind of worked up from the age of 15 and now he's nearly 80 and he's still working hard. he doesn't need to work. >> reporter: petra is about to launch a handbag range, stark. why handbags? >> i love accessories. >> reporter: is it true you collect hermes handbags. >> i have a few. >> reporter: a few at up to $65,000 a pop. but she's not all handbags and hair. ecclestone suffered meningitis as a child and really does do a lot for the meningitis trust. she's an ambassador, a fund-raiser and when she marries fiance james in august, no gifts, guests are encouraged to
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donate to the charity. >> so we're getting married in rome and it's going to be a very private affair. >> reporter: low-key affair, i'd imagine. >> as low key as i can be. i try. >> reporter: now, petra has an older sister, tamara cut from similar cloth and she has a reality show. ring any bells. there have been comparisons made with paris hilton with the kardashians, is that who you guys are. >> there's always going to be some sort of comparison because obviously like the hiltons are seen as heiresses and come from a good family, whatever and they're sisters. >> reporter: do you resent that comparison. >> no, not at all. i think what paris hilton has done with herself and with the brand i think have very clever. she's like a really clever businesswoman. >> reporter: but you have in a sense embraced the lavish lifestyle with your homes in london and los angeles. >> yes. >> reporter: but you're still branded. >> i am. i'm not spoiled. i'm privileged and i think tass there's a huge difference in
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that. >> reporter: one more thing, she has five fdogs, a rottweiler an a bulldog. can you imagine seeing them drag her around the park. when i was being nicer and she wasn't trying to explain herself she was really, really good company. she was fun, relaxed. you know what, george, surprisingly normal. >> wow, it sounds like you might have gotten yourself an invitation to the big house. >> reporter: i don't think so. >> well, we will see. now over to lara and i can hear the wedding bells ringing. >> all right. so nick lachey and vanessa minnillo. they were dating. they're not exactly will and kate but they are our pop culture royalty to a degree. married just a few weeks ago, wanted to keep it small and private and keep photographers out but did invite us in. here's a sneak peek at their beautiful day.
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it was a picture perfect celebrity wedding, a beautiful island, an intimate gathering and union of two very pretty people. nick lachey and vanessa minnillo. >> we see celebrity weddings all the time but this was a happily ever after. great love story. we've watched them grow up in the media and, you know, we can really identify with them. ♪ it's just a place -- >> reporter: we know him as the front man for 98 degrees. we also know him from his famous reality show first marriageo jessica simpson. >> is this chicken or is this fish? i know it's tuna but it says chicken. >> reporter: but after their divorce he moved on, professionally. ♪ because i want you >> reporter: and personally meeting former miss teen usa vanessa minnillo while filming.
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>> they had dated for such a long time and i think vanessa really is -- she's devoted to being an incredible wife. >> when i proposed to vanessa, not to get to the mupon tamonta. she said yes and we cried and celebrated. nour you're stuck with me. >> now i'm stuck with you. >> hi. >> reporter: with just two months until the big day, they brought in celebrity planners, sharon sax, the mastermind who planned the weddings of j. lo and marc anthony and with every comblamous detail captured by cameras. >> here are your markups. >> oh, awesome. >> today i am so excited. i'm going wedding dress shopping.
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is this. >> reporter: we get an inside fwlims to the things that really matter, especially no nick. >> i pretend to be excited about a lot of these decisions that happen in the wedding process but truth be told, the flowers, i'm happy if she's happy. the kind of fork we use, i'm happy if she's happy. the tuxedo, i actually am excited to be a part of picking. >> i like watching you play dress up. >> sorry, ladies. this one's taken. >> reporter: the biggest challenging securing an intimate location without anyone finding out. >> i decided on a destination wedding but, you know, with a twist so they didn't tell any of their guests where they were going. told them to pack for, you know, an island chic wedding and bring their passports. >> reporter: the surprise destination. richard branson's private island in the bahama, secluded and perfect but still not paparazzi proof.
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>> paparazzi around the island. that's just for us, that's a nightmare scenario. we really don't want that to happen. >> what we'll do is pull a fireworks permit, planes are not allowed to fly in an area -- >> does that mean we can also have fireworks? >> reporter: on the big day after four days of island fun with just 35 family members and friends, all the planning paid off. >> in front of the mirror i'm like, well, this is it. this is it. this is the moment. we're making it official. we're getting married and we're going to be mrs. nick lachey. it was a two-piece monique ensemble. very gorgeous. just a small group of people that they love and trust and know when they look back on it in 20 years they'll still be friends with those people. >> reporter: the couple danced the night away barefoot before a grand finale of fireworks. >> when you see the smiles on their face, you can't buy that love and happiness.
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you just can't buy it. >> and we're both smiling. you can see more tomorrow night on tlc, congratulations to nick and vanessa. >> you know, the fact they haven't played this whole thing out in front of tv cameras gives it a sense of legitimacy. you know, sort of real life, real love. >> i worked with vanessa. we were working together when they met and they sat there determined to do it. he said he will not do a reality show. >> oh, really. learned his lesson. doesn't want to do that again. >> i think that says a lot. >> that's great. good luck to them. we wish them nothing but the best. at any rate we're here in the park. the rain is starting again. >> celebrating the '80s with debbie gibson. "i think we're alone now" celebrating the elissa 80s in central park.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning and happy friday. the time is 8:27 and here is baden with a check on traffic. in accident is gone 95,bridge on southbound access on 95 around the w i is gone. there is a craft moved on to the shoulder and arm of the lais through oxon hill. northbound 95 and across the american legion bridge it has ride.n awesome indexuntil the heat
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us, 78 degrees at dollars right now. like 91 degrees already. a heat advisory goes into effect at 11:00 until 9:00 tonight. be heat index readings will around 105-110 later this afternoon. temperature will be around 100 degrees and we could at record-breaking into falllows the lower 80's. tomorrow, a slight chance for an isolated thunderstorms, only a chance, 90-95 degrees. work or call -- caused metro's blue and yellow lines. be single tracking between van ness and friendship heights.
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that is the list right there. we will be back with another update at 8:56.
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♪ you don't understand you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand ♪ ♪ oh mickey, it's guys like you mickey what you do mickey don't break my heart mickey ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> "oh mickey." oh, debbie, oh tiffany. they perform one of the biggest hits of the '80s. >> hi. >> ah. >> we are so -- >> good morning. >> you sound just like you did in the '8 os. how do you do it, ladys? >> hey, how are you? >> lots of vocal practice and, you know what, this is so much fun really. we came out here this morning. it was pouring rain when we got here. the crowd was here energized and
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the '80s are back, people. >> that's right. >> they're back. >> i do want to point out, by the way, the i love the '80s hash tag taking over twitter. the '80s are in the present and it's great sm we'll talk more with you in just a minute about your upcoming tour but we've also got weather. >> we have sam in an orange headband. >> i like the way you said that. weather? yeah. no, i'm doing the best i can to bring back the '80s. >> i think you could do better. >> i'm not putting on the leg warmers and the athletic shorts with the white stripe. >> golfing short, sam. >> let's get to the boards. one or two things going on we want to talk about as you head out the doors. likely if you're in the south you'll face more heat and here's the deal. take a look at lake houston, look how dry that is. all those pilings should be underwater and they're not anywhere near it. look at galina, illinois, the
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storms will continue for a little while. here's what happens with don. put that magical path in motion. watch don move a little farther south than we had hoped. here's the problem with even that path. most of the rain will be on the south side of the center of that storm and the northern areas of that line won't even get much rain at all as southern areas will so brownsville is in for more rain than corpus christi is in central texas desperately needs that rain. your weekend flyby because, after all, it is friday. i just had to pause for a moment there. comfortable on the west coast and, of course, we'll see those stormy weekend around the great lakes and it wil heat advisory later on this this afternoon and evening, 97-102 degrees highs and night temperatures fall into lower 70's. tomorrow, h >> all that weather was brought to you by angie's list. oh, george.
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>> tiffany is up. the crowd is loving it. one thing a lot of you probably didn't know that tiffany's first album was country music. country music. you have a new album coming out called "rose tattoo." >> out right now. go get it. >> now we have to have one of the old favorites "i think we're alone now." bring us into 1987. >> thank you. ♪ i think we're alone now it doesn't seem to be anyone around now ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ >> come on. ♪ children behave that's what they say ♪ ♪ when we're together and watch how you play ♪ ♪ they don't understand
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♪ and so, we're running just as fast as we can ♪ ♪ holding on to one another's hand ♪ ♪ trying to get away into the night ♪ ♪ and then, you put your arms around me ♪ ♪ and we stumble to the ground and then you say ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now there doesn't seem ♪ ♪ to be anyone around i think we're alone now ♪ ♪ the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ ♪ look at the way we gotta hide ♪ ♪ what we're doin' 'cause what ♪ ♪ would they say if they ever knew? ♪ ♪ and so, we're running just as fast as we can ♪ ♪ holding on to one another's hand ♪
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♪ trying to get away into the night ♪ ♪ and then, you put your arms around me ♪ ♪ and we stumble to the ground and then you say ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now there doesn't seem ♪ ♪ to be anyone around i think we're alone now ♪ ♪ the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ ♪ trying to get away into the night ♪ ♪ and then, you put your arms around me ♪ ♪ and we stumble to the ground and then you say ♪ >> let me hear you sing now. ♪ i think we're alone now there doesn't seem ♪ ♪ to be anyone around i think we're alone now ♪ ♪ the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ ♪ they say
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i think we're alone now there doesn't seem ♪ ♪ to be anyone around i think we're alone now ♪ ♪ the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ ♪ i think we're alone now there doesn't seem ♪ ♪ to be anyone around i think we're alone now ♪ ♪ the beating of our hearts is the only sound ♪ >> thank you.
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♪ it was only in my dreams ♪ i think we're alone now it doesn't seem to be anyone around now ♪ >> welcome back. two ladies of the '8 os, tiffany and debbie gibson. you're going on a tour together, journey of the '80s. what is it like to be touring now? >> we have a better understanding of each other. we celebrate our differences. i'm representing the rock 'n' roll side of the '80s. >> hence the -- >> yeah, you know what, i think that now -- i tend to take th g things more in now. i remember playing madison scare garden and it passed me by.
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now i savor every moment. >> what are you singing on tour? >> oh "i think we're alone now" "i saw him standing there" "edge of 17." guns and roses. >> big stevie nicks fans. >> how about you, debbie. >> "electric youth" at my age still, why not, why not. "foolish beat," "lost in your eyes" and theater stuff because that was a big influence for me in the '80s growing up in new york. >> we've been talking about our favorite stuff from the '80s whether big shoulder pads or scrunch chi, what are some of the things you remember fondly from the '80s and some things you think back, what was i thinking? >> terrible hair, sorry, sorry. >> not a good hair decade. >> shoulder pads need to die? we could play football in those shoulder pads. >> look like our grandmothers. i think we both looked older
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back then. >> probably. >> the clothes lended themselves to being a little matronly. >> happy to banish the clothing. anything you'd keep. >> i can't really say that. i'm kind of sporting some clothing on this tour because i never had any fashion so i was just jean jacks and big hoop earrings and bad hair so i'm actually going to sport a little fashion. >> have we known we would have kept the crinoline skirts and vests, they're back. >> purchasing them, really? am i out here buying them. >> those things are back. you guys are back. just heard from you, tiffany. now we'll hear from debbie gibson singing "only in my dreams," ladies and gentlemen. ♪ only in my dreams
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♪ it was only in my dreams ♪ ♪ only in my dreams as real as it may seem it was only in my dreams ♪ ♪ i i oh oh ♪ i i i ♪ every time i'm telling secrets ♪
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♪ i remember how it used to be ♪ ♪ and i realized how much i miss you ♪ ♪ and i realize how it feels to be free ♪ ♪ now i see i'm up to no good ♪ ♪ no, no, no and i wanna start again ♪ ♪ can't remember when i felt good, baby ♪ ♪ no i can't remember when ♪ no, only in my dreams as real as it may seem ♪ ♪ it was only in my dreams ♪ >> i got something to tell you now. come on. ♪ it was only in my dreams as real as it may seem my world is filled and it feels like i'm coming down can i girl be loved without a man ♪ some way some how i'm going to take you back now ♪
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>> oh yes. ♪ ♪ woo i i oh ♪ >> let me see your hands. ♪ i i oh ♪ no, no, no
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♪ how real it seems ♪ it was only in my dreams ♪ ♪ no, no, no, no only in my dreams ♪ ♪ as real as it may seem ♪ ♪ it was only in my dreams ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you.
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welcome back to our totally awesome friday concert series. i mean does it get any better than this.
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>> debbie gibson and tiffany. catch them live. it's the tiffany and debbie gibson tour "a journey through the '80s" which i remember well. ♪ took the midnight train going anywhere ♪ ♪ a singer in a smoky room a smell of wine and cheaper fume ♪ ♪ for a smile they can share the night it goes on and on and on and on ♪ ♪ strangers waiting up and down the boulevard ♪ ♪ their shadows searching in the
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night streetlights people living just to find emotion ♪ ♪ hiding somewhere in the night ♪ ♪ >> come on. ♪ working hard to get my fill yeah everybody wants a thrill ♪ ♪ paying anything to roll the dice just one more time ♪ ♪ some will win some may lose ♪ ♪ some were born to sing the blues oh the movie never ends ♪
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♪ it goes on and on and on and on ♪ ♪ strange ers waiting up and do the boulevard ♪ ♪ their shadows searching in the night ♪ ♪ streetlights people living just to find emotion ♪ ♪ hiding somewhere in the night ♪ ♪ don't stop believin' hold on to that feelin' streetlights people ♪ ♪ don't stop believin' hold on streetlight people ♪
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♪ don't stop [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. what's up, smart?
8:52 am
oh, just booked a summer vaycay. ooo. sounds pricey? nah, with the summer sale, you can find awesome deals for places nearby. interesting... wow, i'm blown away. you look great. summer sale, save up to 30%. and get a free kindle. be smart. book smart.
8:53 am
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[ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, debbie gibson. thank you, tiffany. you'll play westbury tonight, big concert tonight in westbury. >> now you'll sing us off with another classic from the '80s, heart. we were wondering if we did karaoke. i might try this one. >> you're on record now with americ america? we'll leave elizabeth behind. >> welcome once again debbie gibson, tiffany, "what about love." ♪ what about love don't you warrant someone to care about you don't let it slip away ♪
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♪ what about love i've always wanted to share it with you ♪ ♪ you might need it someday ♪ oh ♪ what about love haute hey ♪ ♪ woo >> what about what about what about oh ♪ ♪ what about love ♪ what about love ♪ yeah yeah love yeah ♪ what about love ♪ what about love ♪ what about love
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♪ what about love yeah yeah yeah ♪ >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update.
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good morning at 8:56. the roads with lisa baden. let's go to a beautiful the beltway at branch ave. thissh was reported in don't see any evidence right now. live totake you springfield, 95, the right side is southbound. .he left side looks beautiful been a nice ride for on the greenway. on the wilson bridge, there was a minor crash. on your way to the bay bridge, thee is a wonderful trip to eastern shore and the weather will work with us. it will get mighty hot later afternoon. effectadvisory goes into at 11:00 until 9:00 tonight. upper 90's to around 102 but it like 105-100 fit -- 10
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degrees. isolated thunderstorms tonight with only 30% chance we will see at 72-84 degrees and temperatures will be md-80's in the district. tomorrow will be hot but not as today, 90-95 degrees, about 820%-30% chance of storms. was a law approved at least that bars of 18 fromge to the floor unless doctors permissions. this has to do with concussions. thanks for watching and we will be back at noon. "live with regis and kelly" is next.
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